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Acid levelling dyes are a specialised type of dye primarily used for dyeing protein-based fibres such as wool, silk, and nylon. These dyes require an acidic environment for effective binding to the fibre, hence the term "acid" in their name. "Levelling" describes the dye's ability to spread uniformly across the fibre, ensuring a consistent colour without uneven spots.


  • Suitable Fibres: Optimal for protein fibres like wool and silk, and also effective on nylon.
  • Colour Vibrancy: They provide a wide spectrum of bright and clear colours.
  • Solubility: Highly soluble in water, facilitating uniform distribution of the dye.
  • Colour Fastness: Generally, they offer good to excellent wash and light fastness, though this varies with the specific dye and application conditions.

Using Acid Levelling Dyes:

  1. Materials Needed:

    • Acid levelling dye
    • White vinegar or citric acid (to create an acidic environment)
    • Warm water
    • Dyeing pot (not for culinary use)
    • Stirring utensil (not for food)
    • Protective gloves and eyewear
  2. Pre-Washing: Clean the fabric or yarn to eliminate impurities or finishes.

  3. Preparing the Dye Bath: Dissolve the dye in warm water in a dyeing pot. The quantity of dye and water depends on the fabric's weight and the desired colour intensity.

  4. Acidifying the Bath: Add white vinegar or citric acid to the dye bath to acidify it. The usual ratio is about 60 ml (1/4 cup) of vinegar per 4.5 litres (1 gallon) of water, but this can vary.

  5. Adding the Fibre: Dampen the fabric with warm water, then immerse it in the dye bath, ensuring it’s fully submerged and spread out.

  6. Heating: Gently heat the dye bath, stirring occasionally for even temperature and dye distribution.

  7. Dyeing Duration: The fibre should remain in the dye bath for roughly 30 to 60 minutes, varying based on desired colour depth.

  8. Rinsing and Washing: Post-dyeing, rinse the fabric in gradually cooling water until it runs clear. Then wash it in warm water with mild detergent to remove any excess dye.

  9. Drying: Dry the fabric as normal.

Safety and Recommendations:

  • Wear gloves and protective clothing to prevent staining and skin irritation.
  • Employ dedicated dyeing equipment that is not used for food preparation.
  • Conduct a test dye on a small sample to check colourfastness and outcome.
  • Dispose of the dye bath responsibly, adhering to local chemical disposal regulations.

Acid levelling dyes are favoured for their vibrant colours and ease of application, making them popular in hand dyeing projects, especially for delicate yarns and fabrics.

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