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London Screen Service

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Direct dyes are a type of dye that are used primarily for dyeing cellulosic fibres such as cotton, linen, rayon, and blends. They are called "direct" because they can be applied directly to the fibre without the need for a mordant or fixative. These dyes are popular for their ease of use and wide range of available colours.


  • Fibre Suitability: Optimal for cellulosic fibres like cotton, linen, and rayon.
  • Wide Colour Range: Available in a diverse range of colours.
  • Application Method: Can be applied directly to the fibre without the need for a mordant.
  • Water Solubility: Highly soluble in water, facilitating easy application.
  • Colour Fastness: Generally have moderate to good colour fastness, though this can vary.

Using Direct Dyes:

  1. Materials Needed:

    • Direct dye
    • Warm water
    • Salt (to enhance colour uptake)
    • Dyeing pot (not for cooking)
    • Stirring utensil (not for food)
    • Protective gloves and eyewear
  2. Pre-Washing: Pre-wash the fabric to remove any impurities or finishes.

  3. Preparing the Dye Bath: Dissolve the dye in warm water in the dyeing pot. The amount of dye and water depends on the fabric's weight and the desired colour intensity.

  4. Adding Salt: Add common salt to the dye bath to help promote dye uptake. The amount of salt depends on the volume of water and the type of fabric.

  5. Adding the Fabric: Immerse the pre-washed fabric into the dye bath, ensuring it’s fully submerged and spread out.

  6. Heating and Stirring: Heat the dye bath gently, stirring continuously to ensure even temperature and dye distribution.

  7. Dyeing Time: Leave the fabric in the dye bath for a variable amount of time, typically between 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the desired shade.

  8. Rinsing and Washing: After dyeing, rinse the fabric in cool water until the water runs clear. Then wash it in warm water with a mild detergent to remove any unreacted dye.

  9. Drying: Dry the fabric as usual.

Safety and Tips:

  • Wear protective clothing and gloves to avoid staining and skin contact.
  • Use dedicated dyeing equipment, separate from those used for food preparation.
  • Test the dye on a small sample first to check for colourfastness and final colour.
  • Dispose of the dye bath responsibly, following local environmental regulations.

Direct dyes are favoured for their simplicity and effectiveness in dyeing cellulosic fibres, making them a popular choice for home and industrial dyeing projects.

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